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State trajectory comparison

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Compare RPO targets and compliance in absolute (MU) and percentage terms for four selected states across years.


  1. State data is the aggregation of all DISCOMs in that state (calculated as a weighted average for % values, and sum for absolute terms (MU)) and does not include the Captive and Open Access consumption in that State.
  2. All RE data is sum of values for all RPO types for a state/DISCOM.
  3. For certain states (e.g. Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh), data is reported only at an aggragate level, i.e. at the holding company level (e.g. GUVNL, UPPCL) and further DISCOM-wise details are not reported.
  4. For certain states, RPO compliance and target values are not reported in both, absolute (MU) and percentage terms. Wherever, one of them is reported, we have calculated the other in those cases wherever possible.


Data Source

Data has been compiled from RPO related Regulations and Orders issued by various State Electricity Regulatory Commissions and RPO guidelines issued by GoI (MoP and MNRE).
Based on data queries raised by Prayas (Energy Group) to all SERCs, RPO compliance data was provided by SERCs in Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh which has been incorporated into the portal.